During holiday workshops
Wear comfortable clothes and enclosed shoes
Bring a bottle of water; snack is optional (no nut products)
For parents/guardians - drop off your child in the workshop classroom five mins before the commencement of class and pick up your child at the end of the workshop. We do not provide childminding after the class.
We do not allow adults present at the workshop apart from our facilitator for WHS safety reasons. You are welcome to wait outside the classroom until the conclusion of the workshop
Bankstown Arts Centre advises parents that the students will be working with clay and paint that is difficult to remove from clothes, please wear suitable clothing for painting activities.
Student Conduct
Students attending classes will follow the rules of the Centre and the instructions of the teacher or other staff.
Students will not interfere with the work of others and will not behave in ways that present risks to the safety of themselves or others.
Students who present a risk to others or themselves through repeated inappropriate behaviour may be refused enrolment.
If children do not follow the rules or repeated requests from teachers or other staff to behave in an appropriate manner, parents will be contacted to collect their child from the Centre.