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Coffee & SerendipiTea

Immerse yourself in a world of chance encounters at Coffee & SerendipiTea. Interact with art in this hybrid coffee shop and teahouse exhibition in Bankstown Arts Centre. 

From Saturday 27 July until Saturday 7 September

Immerse in a world of chance encounters at Coffee & SerendipiTea. Featuring artists Pamela Leung and Yumi Umiumare, and curated by Rachael Kiang, this exhibition transforms Bankstown Arts Centre into a hybrid coffee shop and teahouse setting, inviting visitors to interact and become part of the artwork. Steeped in the language of relational aesthetics, interactivity and experience take centre stage with the audience assimilating into the artwork in the process of engaging with the space.

Key to the project is facilitating a dialogue between the performance practices that emerge out of visual arts versus live art works informed by theatre and dance arts disciplines.

Artists: Pamela Leung, Yumi Umiumare

Curator: Rachael Kiang

Creative Producer: Michael Pham


From Saturday 27 July until Saturday 7 September


View Map
Bankstown Arts Centre
5 Olympic Parade
Bankstown NSW 2200

Pamela Leung is a Sydney-based artist from Hong Kong, with a Master of Fine Art from the National Art School, 2016. Following this, Leung received the Emerging Artist Prize in the 65th Blake Prize 2018 and has exhibited globally in Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Sweden, Paris and London.

With her installations, videos, sounds, sculptures and paintings, Pamela explores the routines of everyday life, relationships, connections, displacement and the diaspora. She shares her personal migratory experience with the audience, allowing them to reflect on ideas of identity and displacement. The colour red takes on a significant symbolic status in her work, representing the differing perspectives of Western and Eastern cultures; it is also the colour that runs through all people, no matter the colour of their skin and is used as a unifying force.

Works featured 
Coffee or Tea?, 2024

Pamela Leung

Neon installation, 1810mm x 380mm

I'm in but I'm not in, 2024

Pamela Leung in collaboration with Ankist Mishra

Video, 5mins

Coffee Shop, 2024

Pamela Leung

Site-specific installation

Yuen Yeung 43, 2024

Pamela Leung

Coffe grounds, coffee filter paper, tea leaves, sandwich bags, taking-docket and carnation milk

What is your olfactory memory of a cafe?, 2024

Pamela Leung

Collaborative interactive site-specific installation

Courtesy the artist

Yumi Umiumare is an established Butoh dancer, choreographer, and creator of Butoh Cabaret works. After touring with the seminal Japanese Butoh company DaiRakudakan, Umiumare moved from Japan to Melbourne in 1993.

She has been creating her distinctive style of works for 30 years and her creations are renowned for provoking visceral emotions and engaging with cultural identities with a sense of humour. Umiumare's works have been seen in numerous festivals in dance, theatre and film productions throughout Australia, Japan, Europe, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and South America and have received several Australian Green Room awards. Her major production credits include DasSHOKU Butoh cabaret series (1999-), EnTrance (2009-2012), PopUp Tearoom series (2015-) and her recent solo work Buried TeaBowl-OKUNI (2022-).

Works featured 
PopUp Tearoom Series at Festival of Live Arts in Melbourne, 2016

Yumi Umiumare

Site-specific video installation, 3mins 44 secs

Tea ceremony set

PopUp Tearoom Series, 2024

Yumi Umiumare

Site-specific mixed-media installation

PopUp Tearoom Documentation, 2015-2016

Yumi Umiumare

Video, 5mins

Butoh Costume, 2024

Yumi Umiumare

Site-specific textile installation

Courtesy the artist

PopUp Tearoom Series by Yumi Umiumare photo by Vikk Shayen
I’m in but I’m not in by Pamela Leung
I’m in but I’m not in by Pamela Leung
Pop up tearoom